Environment / ISO efforts

Certification in international standards for environmental management systems (EMS)
In 2005, Chiba University acquired ISO14001. In 2013, it became the first university in Japan to also acquire the international standard ISO50001 for energy management systems. From 2019, only ISO50001 will be self-declared, but the University continues to operate its environmental and energy management system in accordance with international standards.
Operation of EMS led by the Students Committee
The Student Committee for EMS was established in 2003 in the official organization of the University. And under the environmental policy, the students have been at the helm of these ISO initiatives.
On the EMS PDCA cycle, the Student Committee plays core roles. Including; making drafts of environmental objectives and plans, lecturing about EMS at basic training, serving as internal auditors, and editing sustainability reports. In addition, they carry out various activities such as a used book market, making posters for raising awareness of the environment, a green curtain, and compost, holding eco classes for young children, making community gardens and so on. In recent years, it has also implemented SDGs projects in cooperation with companies and the range of activities has expanded greatly.
The Chiba University Method
In order to maintain the student organization and to continue the student-led EMS, there is a system called the "Chiba University Method," which has the following four features.
1. Establishment of the Student Committee within the University's EMS organization
2. Students will perform the core operations of the EMS.
3. Credit for the activities of the Student Committee and certification system
4. The Student Committee will also operate as a non-profit organization.
Recent Awards
Chiba University's student-led EMS and the activities of the Student Committee have received recognition both in Japan and abroad.
Ex. The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award of the Global Environment Award in 2015, "Student Leadership Division" of "Sustainable Campus Excellence Awards" by ISCN in 2017 and "Student Engagement" category of "International Green Gown Awards" by the EAUC in 2018 and 2019.
More information on Chiba University's student-led EMS can be found at
Reports and documents
Since 2004, Chiba University publishes an environmental report every year.
Please find the reports here (Japanese only)
The student committee members make drafts of these reports and edit them.
Then, to these reports are added some information about our university, material balance and environmental accounting by the Environmental ISO Secretariat.
We can then improve our program based on other university departments feedback.
After being approved by the university president, the reports are published.

Environmental ISO Secretariat
1-33, Yayoicho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba, 263-8522 Japan
Requests for Environmental Reports
If you would like to request copies of the Chiba University Environmental Report please contact us (see left column). We only send reports to addresses within Japan.